Monday, November 17, 2008

How to choose The Personal trainer

In my last post I explained why one needs to have a trainer. You need an outside force to drаg you in the gym and keep you there. Now I want to give you a few tips on how to pick the right one. When you decide to hire one, keep in mind that this it is not a miracle pill; you won’t see drastic changes with 8,10 or even 20 sessions . What you must receive from these sessions is an education.

You have to learn how your body works. You have to know how to use the right muscles in the right order. And your trainer must teach you the basics , such as how to move, how to breath, and what to feel.

It is essential for your success to have a good trainer, because with a bad one, it will be a big waste of money and time.

How to spot a good one:

1. You have to like him/her, your trainer has to look good and be an inspiration for you. I believe if somebody wants to teach , this person has to be close to perfect in his or her field . In this case,looking good , healthy, and strong are paramount.

2 . When showing you how to do exercises, the trainer has to be very specific , with their explanation , showing what muscle to use , how to move, and sometimes poke or push you hard in your soft tissue to help accelerate your brain - muscle connection .

3. If your trainer uses machines more then 20% of the time, fire him or her. Is not worth the money you are paying. You need to learn how to use free weights, dumbbells, barbells , balance disks, and balls . If trainers don’t use them , they are lazy or ignorant . Trust me! It is hard to teach how to squat or dead lift, and it is very easy to put a client on a leg press and count the repetitions .

4. Your trainer must be patient , and teach you the correct way of doing exercises until you get it right. this needs to happen, even if it requires correcting your moves every second.

5. Your trainer needs to keep an eye on you and not allow interruptions, such as phone calls,, text messaging, chatting with buddies , or with cute girls or boys, etc. You are paying good money, and you have to have all of their attention all of the time.

6.Be aware of male trainers. They tend to use too much weight with women, who are not ready physically and mentally for this . Or they pay a lot of attentions to the upper body and neglect the core and legs .

7. Split system , when you do only one or two parts in your workout , it doesn’t work with women,( it hardly works for men) and every professional trainer knows this. You need a full body workout which uses large muscle groups like legs, back, shoulders and core, and exercises that develop these muscles, which are called multi-joint or compound movements. Compound movements are at the heart of any good weight training program, because with them you are gaining the most results in the shortest time.

8. Your trainer has to motivate and challenge you all the time . He or she should change workouts and make them interesting. You are supposed to be in pain and tired but not bored. In my experience with women, boredom creates or causes a huge downfall in progress.



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